
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-20
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background of the Thesis-1

1.2 Previous Studies of the Thesis-1

1.3 Layout of This Thesis-2

Chapter Two Theoretical Framework——Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory-3

2.1 Brief Introduction of Nida-3

2.2 The Connotation of the Functional Equivalence Theory-3

2.3 The Guidance Effect of Functional Equivalence Theory-4

Chapter Three Rhetoric Devices of News Headlines-4

3.1 Simile-5

3.2 Metaphor-5

3.3 Rhyming..-5

3.4 Metonymy..-6

3.5 Antithesis-6

3.6 Parallelism-7

Chapter Four Translation Strategies of Rhetoric Devices-8

4.1 Literal Translation-8

4.2 Free Translation-8

4.3 Literal Translation with Annotation-9

Chapter Five Conclusion-11

5.1 Summary of the Study-11

5.2 Limitations of the Study-11





The original meaning of rhetoric refers to the rhetoric of speech, that is, through a variety of means to enrich their own language, and to expect good expression effect. Rhetoric is the most basic technique of the art of news headline. Using figures of speech, translators can make a headline brief, refining and full of infectivity and expressive force. 

    The title of a piece of good news, can inspire people’s reading interest, this is why people often say that a good title means the article half done. Drawing up a news headline is a process of artistic creation. As long as we make good use of all kinds of rhetoric devices and translation skills, we must be able to create a proper headline. Based on Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory, this thesis mainly discusses the main characteristics of news headlines and their translation strategies.  


Keywords: rhetoric  news headline  translation strategies  Functional Equivalence Theory 

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:一篇好的新闻的标题,能够激发出人们的阅读兴趣,这也是人们常说的“题好文一半”,新闻题目的拟定是一个艺术创作的过程,我们只要善用各种修辞方法和翻译技巧,必定能够创作......
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