
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Introduction to Public Service Advertisements-1

1.2 Reasons for the Study-1

1.3 Significance of the Study-1

1.4 Structure of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Previous Studies on Public Service Advertisements-3

2.1 Metaphors in Public Service Advertisements-3

2.2 Lexical Characteristics in Public Service Advertisements-3

2.3 Semiotic Features in Public Service Advertisements-4

2.4 Functions of Public Service Advertisements-4

Chapter Three Multimodal Metaphors in Family-6

3.1 Multimodal Metaphors-6

3.2 Different Modalities in Family-6

3.2.1 Graphic Signs-6

3.2.2 Linguistic Signs-9

3.2.3 Sonic Signs-9

3.3 Metaphors in Family-9

3.3.1 Metaphors of Linguistic Signs-10

3.3.2 Metaphors in Dynamic Growth Process-10

3.3.3 Metaphors of Background Sound in Family-11

3.4 Functions of Multimodal Metaphors in Family-11

Chapter Four Conclusion-13

4.1 Findings of the Study-13

4.2 Suggestions for Further Study-13





In recent years, studies on public service advertisements (PSAs) mainly focused on the analysis of metaphors in verbal mode. Few studies are carried out to analyze multimodal metaphors in PSAs. However, with the development of information and technology, multimodal metaphors in PSAs have become a new way to spread information in China and abroad. Multimodal metaphors are channels and ways of information communication, including linguistic symbols, image, music, colors and other symbol systems. The PSA is a significant part of advertising, which plays an important guiding role in modern social life, and can promote and guide people’s social behavior. This study can broaden the application field of multimodal metaphor theory and deepen the understanding of multimodal metaphors. At the same time, it can help people appreciate PSAs and make the interpretation of PSAs more precise and comprehensive. Besides, it can provide guidance for advertisers to design more competitive and attractive advertisements.


Keywords:  PSAs  Family  multimodal discourses  multimodal metaphors

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:该研究能拓宽多模态隐喻理论的应用领域,深化人们对多模态隐喻的理解,为公益广告研究提供参考;同时也有助于人们赏析公益广告,使观众对公益广告的理解更加精准、更加全面。......
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