
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Introduction to Nancy H Klibomn-1

1.2 Introduction to Dead Poets Society-1

1.3 Literature Review-2

1.4 Composition of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Conflicts Between the Old and the New Ideologies in Dead Poets Society-3

2.1 Conflicts Between the Old and the New Ideologies Among Different Characters-3

2.1.1Conflict Between McAllister’s Traditional Teaching and Keating’s Untraditional Teaching-3

2.1.2 Conflict Between Nolan’s Authority Worship and Keating’s Independence-4

2.2 Conflicts Between the Old and the New Ideologies in the Same Character-5

2.2.1 Conflict Between Neil’s Forbearing and his Revolting-5

2.2.2 Conflict Between Todd’s Abiding by Traditional Admonishment and Carpe Diem-7

Chapter Three Chapter Three Causes of the Conflicts and their Influence-9

3.1 Causes of the Conflicts-9

3.1.1The Social Stereotype-9

3.1.2 Inappropriate Family education-9

3.1.3 People’s Character Defects-10

3.2 Influence on the Characters-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-12





Nancy H Klibomn is a well-known American writer and journalist. Dead Poets Society is his most famous works. Most of his works have been adapted to movies and got great popularity. Dead Poets Society is one of these works. It has been studied widely at home and abroad. The thesis will analyze the conflicts between the new and the old ideologies among different characters as well as in the same character, in order to help readers to understand the novel better.

The thesis consists of four parts. Chapter one introduces Nancy H Klibomn, his novel Dead Poets Society. Literature review and the composition of the thesis are also touched upon. Chapter two  mainly talks about then conflicts between the new and the old ideologies. Chapter three analyzes the causes and influences of the conflicts. Chapter four comes to a conclusion.


Keywords:  Nancy H Klibomn  Dead Poets Society  conflicts between the old and the new ideologies

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:本文由四章组成。第一章主要对作者科琳宝姆,其作品《死亡诗社》以及前人研究等作了介绍;第二章讨论了新旧思想间的冲突。第三章则对冲突的原因和影响进行了分析;第四章是结......
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