
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background of the Study-1

1.2 Significance of the Study-1

1.3 Structure of the Thesis-1

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Studies of Feminist Translation Theory Abroad-3

2.2 Studies of Feminist Translation Theory in China-3

2.3Application of Feminist Translation Theory-4

Chapter Three Comparative Studies of-5Two Chinese Versions of Pride and Prejudice-5

3.1 Feminist Translation-5

3.1.1 The Purpose of Feminist Translation-5

3.1.2 Manifestation of translators’ feminist consciousness in Target text-5

3.2 Introduction of Pride and Prejudice-6

3.3 Two Chinese Versions and Their Translators-6

3.4 Similarities of Two Chinese Versions of Pride and Prejudice-6

3.5 Differences of Two Chinese Versions of Pride and Prejudice-7

3.5.1 Translation Strategies-7

3.5.2 Comparative Study of Language Expression-7

Chapter Four Conclusion-10





The feminist movement originated from the west and has developed so rapidly that it exerts a great impact on the field of translation and literature, which results in the creation of the Feminist Translation. And the Feminist Translation Theory aims at resisting the absolute authority of the male in the literary works, using various translation strategies to highlight the feminist consciousness in the target text, so as to improve the status of feminist translators. 

This thesis makes a comparison of two Chinese versions of Pride and Prejudice under the guidance of the Feminist Translation Theory, which reveals the different characteristics of different translators on the employment of translation strategies, especially the female translator’s feminine consciousness. A systematic analysis of examples explains the necessity and feasibility of the introduction of Feminist Translation theory to guide the E-C translation of feminist literary works.  


Keywords: feminist consciousness  feminist translation  comparative study of translated texts

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述: 本文以女性主义翻译理论为指导依据,通过对《傲慢与偏见》两个中译本的比较研究,揭示了不同译者在翻译策略运用上的不同特色,尤其是女性译者在翻译时所展现的的女性主义意识......
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