
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Introduction to Edward Morgan Forster-1

1.2 Introduction to A Room with a View-1

1.3 Research Status of A Room with a View-2

1.4 Thesis Structure-3

Chapter Two Initiation Novel-4

2.1 Definition and Origin of Initiation Novel-4

2.2 Features of Initiation Novel-4

Chapter Three Lucy’s Initiation Process-6

3.1 Obedience-6

3.2 Suspicion-6

3.3 Struggle-7

3.4 Awakening-7

3.5 Maturity-8

Chapter Four Reasons for Lucy’s Growth-10

4.1 Family Background-10

4.2 Experience in Italy-10

4.3 Guides-10

4.3.1 Positive Guides-11

4.3.2 Negative Guides-11

Chapter Five Conclusion-13





Edward Morgan Forster is a famous novelist in England in the early twentieth century. His works include six novels, and some critical articles. Almost all of his novels reflect the corruption of the middle and upper classes in England. In each of the works, the protagonists try to cast off the shackles of the society to obtain freedom. A Room with a View is one of Forster’s novels, describing a British girl who meets with a young man in Italy and falls in love with him. She dares not to express her feelings under the oppression of the patriarchal society, but she eventually breaks off the barriers and the arranged marriage, heading for freedom and happiness.

Many experts and scholars at home and abroad have studied the novel from some aspects, such as theme, humanism and narrative techniques, but few people have studied the novel from the perspective of the theme of female growth. On the basis of previous studies, this thesis will use the theory of the initiation novel to analyze Lucy’s growth process from obedience to suspicious, to struggle, to awakening, finally to having the courage to pursue freedom and happiness, and to further explore the social causes for making female submissive and depressed by analyzing Lucy’s family background, social status, her trip to Italy and the guides in her growth process, etc.


Keywords:  A Room with a View; initiation novel; female growth

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:国内外许多专家和学者都从主题内涵、人文主义、叙述手法等方面对小说进行了研究,但鲜有人从女性成长主题方面对小说加以研究。论文将在前人研究的基础之上,运用成长小说理论......
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