
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background and Significance of the Study-1

1.2 Organization of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Theoretical Framework of Multimodal Discourse Analysis-3

2.2 Introduction to Subtitle translation-3

2.2.1 Definition of Subtitle Translation-3

2.2.2 Characteristics of Subtitle Translation-4

2.2.3 Constraints of Subtitle Translation-4

2.3 Previous Studies on Subtitle Translation.5

Chapter Three Analysis of Subtitle Translation of The Flowers of War from the Perspective of Multimodal Discourse Analysis-7

3.1 Brief Introduction to The Flowers of War-7

3.2 Analysis of Subtitle Translation from the Perspective of Multimodal Discourse Analysis-7

  3.2.1 Expression Level.7

3.2.2 Content Level8

3.2.3 Contextual Level.9

3.2.4 Cultural Level.10

Chapter Four Suggested Methods for Film Subtitle Translation-12

4.1 Reduction-12

4.2 Addition-12

4.3 Rewriting.13

Chapter Five Conclusion.14





With the diversification of information modals, language performs not only in a simple and unique form, but added the sound, image, animation, color and other modal forms. Film and television works communicate well in the use of language, auditory and visual modalities through a variety of ways such as language, image, sound and symbol. However, the previous study of film subtitles is confined to the language itself, ignoring the role of other modalities. Under the guidance of multimodal discourse analysis theory, this paper tries to discuss the subtitle translation in the film The Flowers of War, and puts forward some suggestions for the subtitle translation. 

Keywords:  multimodal discourse analysis  subtitle translation  The Flowers of War

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:影视作品很好地运用了语言、听觉和视觉等模态形式,通过语言、画面、声音等多种方式和符号信息进行沟通交流。然而,之前关于电影字幕的研究仅仅局限于语言本身,忽略了其他模......
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