
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1-Research Background-1

1.2-Significance of This Thesis-1

1.3 Layout of This Thesis-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Review of Documentary Subtitle Translation-3

2.2 Previous Studies on Eco-Translatology-3

Chapter Three Translation Strategies Used in Translating  Subtitles from the Perspective of Eco-translatology-4

3.1 Professor Hu Gengshen & Eco-Translatology-4

3.2 Summary of Eco-Translatology-4

3.3 Strategies Used in Translating Subtitles Based on Eco-translatology-5

3.3.1 Literal Translation-5

3.3.2 Free Translation-6

3.3.3 Corresponding Translation-7

Chapter Four Conclusion-9

4.1 Findings-9

4.2 Limitations-9





A third of our earth is covered by frozen ice and snow while the Antarctic pole and Arctic pole remain mysterious to majority of humankind. The documentary Frozen Planet is co-produced by BBC and Open University and is narrated by David Aiden. It takes five years and costs millions to finish the shooting of this amazing documentary in which the polar ice is melting and the animals living there have to adapt to changes and are struggling to survive. Meanwhile, many magnificent footage in this documentary can really hold viewers’ breath and make us think deeply as well of the fact that global warming has affected the climate and animals living in polar profoundly. This documentary has not only attracted attention of television viewers worldwide but also aroused translation researchers’ profound interest. However, studies on subtitle translation is quite rare at home, therefore, it is of much importance in the new era.

From the perspective of eco-translatology put forward by Professor Hu Gengshen, this thesis explores translation strategies used in E-C subtitle translation of the documentary Frozen Planet with examples cited from it. Moreover, it is hoped that such a study can  provide enlightenment for subtitle translators. 

Key words:  Eco-translatology  subtitle translation  translation strategies

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:这部纪录片耗时五年,耗资巨大,用镜头真实地展现了正在逐渐溶解的地球两极,以及生活在这里的生物为了适应这些改变而努力生存。与此同时,该纪录片中拍摄到的种种景象令人叹......
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