
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 A Brief Introduction to Sylvia Plath-1

1.2 A Brief Introduction to The Bell Jar-1

1.3 Research Status of The Bell Jar-2

1.4 Composition of the Thesis-3

Chapter Two Female Initiation-4

2.1 The Origin and Development of Female Initiation-4

2.2 Features of Female Initiation-5

Chapter Three The Female Initiation in The Bell Jar-6

3.1 Self-Loss in the Process of Esther’s Growth-6

  3.1.1 Confusion about Feminine Identity-6

  3.1.2 Confusion about Self Value-7

3.2 Initiation Guides in Esther’s Life-7

  3.2.1 Positive Guides-7

  3.2.2 Negative Guides-8

3.3 Awakening of Feminine Consciousness-8

  3.3.1 Breaking the Shackles of the Patriarchal Society-9

  3.3.2 The Pursuit of Female Identity-9

Chapter Four Conclusion-12





Sylvia Plath is the most important representative of female poet in the United States of Confessional poetry, and receives the Pulitzer Prize in poetry in 1982. The Bell Jar is the only novel of Plath. Based on the backdrop of the last century in 50s, the patriarchal society in the United States, The Bell Jar tells the story of the heroine Esther’s hard and rough initiation process. The description of Esther suffering from frustrations and setbacks in New York, the novel analyzes the psychological changes of female in the adolescent and the process of growing.

The Bell Jar uses the rough growing process of Esther’s as the thread of the story. That is, begin to adventure after leaving home, get lost in the growth and death and rebirth. It also uses many techniques such as multiple narrative perspective and different vivid methods of shaping characters, in order to interpret Esther’s journey of the heart. This thesis probes into the specific application of female initiation theme in The Bell Jar from the perspective of Female Bildungsroman. Esther fights against the hypocritical society, awakening from it bit by bit. In addition, she is aware of the contradiction between illusory ideal and actual life. Only by insisting on self in the confusion and striving for the life, can we find the value of self, so as to get the meaning of the female growth.


Keywords:The Bell Jar; Sylvia Plath; Female Initiation

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:《钟形罩》中以女主人公艾斯特坎坷的成长过程,即离开家开始冒险,在成长中迷失自我和死亡并重获新生这一故事线索,用多角度的叙述方式和形象生动刻画人物的方法,去诠释艾斯......
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