
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Introduction to Toni Morrison-1

1.2 Introduction to The Bluest Eye-1

1.3 Literary Review-2

1.4 Structure of the Thesis-3

Chapter Two Eco-feminism-4

2.1 Definition of Eco-feminism-4

2.2 The Development of Eco-feminism-4

Chapter Three Analysis of The Bluest Eye from the Perspective of Eco-feminism-5

3.1 Interconnection between Women and Nature-5

3.2 Men’s Dominance of Nature-6

3.3 Men’s Oppression on Women-7

Chapter Four Morrison’s Intention of Creation-10

4. 1 Creating Harmonious Relationship between Men and Nature-10

4.2 Creating Harmonious Relationship between Men and Women-10

Chapter Five Conclusion-12





Toni Morrison, one of the greatest African-American writers, is the first black female writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Her divorce and life experiences as a black provide an abundant material for her writing. The Bluest Eye is her first novel, which depicts the tragic life of an eleven-year-old black girl called Pecola. 

In the novel, Morrison presents men’s dominance of nature and oppression on women, especially black women. Based on the theory of eco-feminism, this paper tends to present a detailed analysis of Morrison’s eco-feminist thought in the novel, including the connection between woman and nature, the contradiction between human and nature and the conflict between men and women. Through the novel, Morrison expresses her pursuit of creating a harmonious world between human and nature and equal relationships between men and women. It is hoped that this paper can provide a new perspective for the interpretation of this classic novel.

Key words: The Bluest Eye  Toni Morrison  eco-feminism  nature  women

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:在整部小说中,莫里森展现了男性对自然的破坏以及对女性,尤其是黑人女性的压迫。本文运用生态女性主义理论,通过分析小说中女性与自然的联系,自然与人类的矛盾,女性与男性......
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