
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1-Research Background-1

1.2-Significance of the Research-1

1.3 Thesis Structure-1

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 The Introduction of English Public Speech-3

2.2 The Functions of English Public Speech-3

2.3 Features of English Public Speech-4

2.3.1Lexical Features-4

2.3.2 Syntactic Features-4

2.3.3 Rhetorical Features-5

2.4 Previous Studies of the Translation of English Public Speech-5

Chapter Three Translation Principles of English Public Speech-7

3.1 Being Concise and Logical-7

3.2 Being Vivid and Appealing-7

3.2.1 Appropriate Translation of Metaphor-7

3.2.2 Appropriate Translation of Parallelism-8

3.2.3 Appropriate Translation of Repetition-8

3.2.4 Appropriate Translation of Emotional Tone-9

3.3 Bearing Literary Beauty-10

3.3.1 Reasonable Extension-10

3.3.2 Four-Character Pattern-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-11





With the progress of the era, the world has been changing dramatically. Nowadays, with constant promotion of globalization, the connection between countries and regions is becoming increasingly close. Our people are more interested in western politics, economy, culture and some other aspects than before, as a result, the research concerning the  translation of English public speeches is of great importance to cross-cultural communication and translation practice. This thesis explores the appropriate translation principles and methods employed in rendering English public speech into Chinese so as to improve the quality and readability of the translated version to make it easily understood by the target language readers.

Keywords: English public speech  stylistic features  translation 

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:我们对西方的政治方面,经济方面,文化方面以及其他方方面面都比以前更加感兴趣,所以有关英语演讲的翻译对跨文化交际以及翻译活动都有着重要意义。本文探究英语演讲词的汉译......
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