
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background of the Study-1

1.2 Objectives of the Study-1

1.3 Significance and Methods of the Study-1

1.4 Structure of the Thesis-1

Chapter Two Literature Review-2

2.1 Definition of Public Signs-2

2.2 Functions of Public Signs-2

2.2.1 Informative Function-2

2.2.2 Appellative Function-2

2.2.3 Indicative Function-2

2.2.4 Mandatory Function-3

2.2.5 Restrictive Function-3

2.2.6 Evocative Function-3

2.3 The Basic Requirements of Public Sign’s Translation-3

2.3.1 Concise and Easy to Understand-3

2.3.2 In Line with the Target Language Convention-4

2.3.3 Emphasizing the Pragmatic Effect of Translation-4

Chapter Three The Study of the Translation of Public Signs in Pengzu Garden-5

3.1 Statistics of Public Signs in Pengzu Garden-5

3.2 Classification of Translation Errors-5

3.2.1 Lexical Error-6

3.2.2 Grammatical Error-7

3.2.3 Pragmalinguistic Error-7

3.2.4 Sociopragmatic Error-8

3.3 Strategies of the Translation Errors-9

3.3.1 Literal Translation-9

3.3.2 Free Translation-9

3.3.3 A-B-C-10

3.4 The Countermeasures of Translation of Public Signs-10

3.4.1 Emphasizing the Translator’s English Level-10

3.4.2 Improving the Translator’s Competence of Cross-cultural Communication-11

Chapter Four Conclusion-12





Public sign represents the image of city. To some extent, it reflects one city’s construction style and features along with humanity attainment. The translation of public signs has a great influence on the image of city. Compared with some first-tier cities, many small and medium-sized cities do not pay much attention to the translation of public signs. Therefore, we can often see some translation errors in public signs. By a field observation of Pengzu Garden, a large number of corpora have been collected about the public signs in Pengzu Garden. And this thesis analyzes the translation of public signs in Pengzu Garden as well as the errors which exist in public signs’ translation. Also, in terms of these translation errors, this thesis will give out some corresponding coping strategies.


Keywords: Pengzu Garden;  public signs;  translation errors

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:相比于一些一线城市,很多中小型城市对公示语的翻译并不是非常关注,因此公示语翻译常常会存在翻译失误的情况。本文通过对彭祖园的实地考察,收集了大量语料,分析了彭祖园景......
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