
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background and Significance of the Study-1

1.2 Structure of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Introduction to Skopos Theroy-3

2.2 Previous Researches on the Translation of Electronic Product Manual-4

Chapter Three A Case Study—Analysis on iPhone6S User Guide Translation-6

3.1 Introduction to Electronic Product Manual-6

3.1.1 Definition of Product Manual-6

3.1.2 Features of Electronic Product Manual-7

3.2 Translation Methods-8

3.2.1 Literal Translation-8

3.2.2 Free Translation-9

3.2.3 Addition-10

3.2.4 Other Methods-11

Chapter Four Conclusion-12

4.1 Main Findings of the Thesis-12

4.2 Limitation of the Thesis-12





Nowadays, with the development of international economic integration, global trade is developing rapidly. More and more electronic consumer products are flowing into Chinese market due to China’s accession to the WTO in 2001. Manual, as an indispensable part of a product, has gained more attention especially its translation quality. An exact and brief manual can not only help consumers be familiar with the product quickly, but also strengthen consumers’ favorability of this product, and so to have a good impression of the company which produces it. In contract, an ambiguous manual which is difficult to understand can only decrease consumers’ satisfaction to the product and even do harm to this company’s public image. It is pleasant to find that more companies, in recent years, have attached much attention to the translation quality of their products’ manuals and more and more researches on manual translation are carried out. However, most studies are lack of integration and mostly based on experience or the description of specific examples. 

This paper, on the theoretical basis of Skopos theory, discusses the practical strategies of translating the electronic product manual, and puts forward several translation methods such as literal translation, Free translation, addition, and etc. with the example of Apple’s iPhone6S mobile product specification.


Keywords:  Skopos theory; electronic product manual; translation strategies and methods

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:说明书是产品必不可缺的一部分,一个准确而简明扼要的产品说明书不仅能够帮助消费者快速熟悉产品的使用方法,而且能够提升消费者对于公司的满意度,进而对这家公司留下一个好的......
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