
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Negotiation Barriers Caused by Different Cultural Background-3

2.1 Cultural Barriers in History-3

2.2 Cultural Barriers in Different Regions-4

2.3 Cultural Barriers in Social Life-4

2.4 Cultural Barriers in Religions-5

2.5 Cultural Barriers in Customs-5

Chapter Three International Negotiation Barriers Caused by Different Ideology-7

3.1. Differences of Thought Patterns in International Business Negotiation-7

3.2. Differences of Values in International Business Negotiation-8

Chapter Four Possible Solutions to Cultural Barriers in International Negotiation-10

4.1 Solution to Cultural Background Related Barriers-10

4.2 Solutions to Ideology Related Barriers-10

4.3 Conclusion-11





With the rapid growth of international trades,to overcome cultural barriers in the international negotiations is more and more necessary. Cultural barriers are those misunderstanding caused by different cultural background and ideology. For example,The differences of cultural background such as region, history ,religion and social life can be a driving cause of cultural Barriers. Also differences in ideology such as thought patterns and values can also affect international negotiations. 

This essay constructs a deep digging into the cultural barriers encountered in the international negotiations and explaining why some countries emphasis a lot on l knowing about others culture while others are quite reluctant to foreign impact. And finally, it brings forth Solutions for handling the cultural barriers in the international business negotiation.


Keywords:  negotiation   diversities   communication   culture

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:这篇论文主要探究在国际商务谈判中所会遇到的文化障碍的根源和原因。从而解读谈判中不同国家谈判者之前意识形态以及价值观方面的差异。最后,本论文将探究一些尽可能在国际商......
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