
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-07
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The female sense of self-reliance and self-improvement in The Joy Luck Club


Abstract:Amy Tan is a famous Chinese-American female writer. She started writing novels when she was 33 years old. Her first novel “The Joy Luck Club” was published in 1989 and the novel is based on her mother and her grandmother `s personal experience. 

   The book made a great success and established her reputation in the American literary world, once it was published. The novel tells a story about four Chinese immigrant women and their American-born daughter’s stories. Each of the four mothers experienced an unhappy marriage in the old China and their American daughters are unhappy in their own way in the United States. Although these women encounter every kind of difficulty in their pursuit of happiness, they use their talents and energies to overcome them and achieve success and happiness finally.

   Through their words and deeds, this paper is to interpret the experiences of three women of the novel, An-mei Hsu’s mother, Lindo Jong, the mother and Rose Hsu, a daughter, to let the world know that the self-reliance is not a male monopoly in this world and that a woman can be self-reliant, too. The three women don’t accept the arrangement of the fate and try hard to do what they can to change their fate. An-mei Hsu’s mother improves her and her daughter’s status in the family by sacrificing her life, Lindo Jong, the mother uses her wisdom to be a child bride no longer and restore freedom and Rose Hsu, the daughter gets her happy marriage again by finding herself again. 

   Their life experiences show us that a woman can and will surely have a new happy life and a better future if she does not accept her fate and fights bravely against her fate by whatever means. 

   A woman no longer needs to have others be the master of her fate but should and must be the master of her fate herself. A woman needs to be self-reliant, standing between the heaven and earth. 

Key words: The Joy Luck Club, female, wisdom, self-reliance,oneself 







关键词:喜福会 女性  自立自强  智慧 自我




上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:本文旨在通过对喜福会的文本解读,解析喜福会中三位女性:许安梅,龚林达,许露丝遭受磨难和挫折后如何争取自立自强的过程。她们没有听从命运的安排,而是在顽强地跟命运抗争......
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