
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:诸葛紫岐 更新时间:2013-07-27
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Abstract:Nowadays,trademark translation has become an indispensable part in international trade. Trademark, as one of the basic elements of an enterprise, represents not only a specific product but also the identity of an enterprise. Most of the consumers judge a product by its trademark. So trademark translation is one of the most important strategies for a company’s further development. 

   Trademark translation is considered as a part of the developing strategy in a company. In trademark translation, translators need to follow some principles. It requires a translator to have a good command of both the source language and the target language, and he also needs to have the bi-cultural awareness. This paper discusses the basic formation and functions of trademark by presenting abundant relevant examples. The author also explores some methods in trademark translation under the guidance of Nida’s theory of “Functional Equivalence”.

Key words:trademark translation; functional equivalence; methods








上传会员 诸葛紫岐 对本文的描述:Trademark translation is considered as a part of the developing strategy in a company. In trademark translation, translators need to follow some principles. It requires a translator to have a good command of both the source language and the ......
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