
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:诸葛紫岐 更新时间:2013-08-01
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Abstract: In recent years, owing to the deep implement and development of china’s policy—reform and openness,Western culture has flooded into China like tidewater. Many new things, new technology and new concepts of west are spreading to China, which constantly increases the number of English loanwords and enriches the categories of English loanwords. English loanwords do bring a lot of changes to Chinese. To some extent, the changes have great impact on Chinese. Firstly from the aspect of linguistic features, the import of English loanwords enhances the development of Chinese, enlarging the Chinese vocabulary system, enriching Chinese phonetic and semantic system, improving the flexibility of the Chinese word classes and enhancing the capability of Chinese word-formation. Secondly, from the cultural aspect, the import of English loanwords promotes cultural communication and fusion. Generally, the longer a borrowed word has been in the language, the more frequently used it is, and the more it resembles the native words of the language. English loanwords have gained public acceptance and become part of Chinese. However, English loanwords may result in invisible cultural invasion. With the rapid increase of English loanwords, we need to pay attention to cultural conflict and invasion.

   This paper explores the development of English loanwords in Chinese from the aspect of linguistic features and the aspect of culture. A study of linguistic features of English loanwords in Chinese will help us learn more about the influence of the cultural exchange between east and west, so that we can get more knowledge in language learning.

Key Words: English loanwords; Chinese; linguistic features; cultural exchange








上传会员 诸葛紫岐 对本文的描述:This paper explores the development of English loanwords in Chinese from the aspect of linguistic features and the aspect of culture. A study of linguistic features of English loanwords in Chinese will help us learn more about the influence ......
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