
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:英语老师 更新时间:2013-08-01
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Abstract:The novel Gone with the Wind written by American modern female writer, Margaret Mitchell has become one of the most famous classics around the world since it was published. There is no doubt that she is a writer of female consciousness. In Gone with the Wind, she lashed out at the old South and the traditional view on female. Meanwhile, she wrote the novel to reveal its hypocrisy and detriment to the society, also its essence of suppressing women. Such consciousness of female subject has not only literary significance but also realistic social significance. This paper analyses in detail the feminine consciousness of the heroine Scarlett from three time span---Pre-war, during the war and after the war. Scarlett’s feminine consciousness appears on three aspects: the courage to shoulder family responsibilities; her pursuit of happiness initiatively; her devottion to the business so as to realize the economic independence. As for the formation of Scarlett’s feminine consciousness, her character serves as one factor. On the other hand, as the civil war broke the conventional values, it also contributed to the development of feminine consciousness. At the same time, the author’s writing thought became another important source of the consciousness.To analyze and understand the characteristics of Scarlett has a positive significance for modern women to form independent, self-esteem and self-confident personality.

Key words: Gone with the Wind; Scarlett; feminine consciousness; character; the civil war







上传会员 英语老师 对本文的描述:The novel Gone with the Wind written by American modern female writer, Margaret Mitchell has become one of the most famous classics around the world since it was published. There is no doubt that she is a writer of female consciousness. In G......
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