
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:英语老师 更新时间:2013-08-25
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Abstract:Politeness is generally accepted as an important feature in human communication. Writing of business correspondence should also observe this guideline.

   With advancing progress of global economic integration, international trade competition became more and more vigorous. The importances of business letter writing skills are more prominent. Due to the widespread use of Internet, e-mail play a more and more important role than before, much business information are transmitted by e-mails. But the traditional business letters are still playing an important role in business activities. This paper analyzes the substantial use of politeness in business correspondence, especially, the application and performance of offer writing in business correspondence. One should employ politeness tactics appropriately to achieve the purpose of more efficient business communication. Then it puts forward a viewpoint that appropriate use of politeness principle in offer writing comes to promote business which can be going on well.

  This study, by reference to the literatures analysis, integrated a variety of fresh point of view, coupled with their own point of view, used the politeness principle to make a detailed explanation of writing skills of offer. I hope this study can improve the level of international trade offer writing.

Key words: offer; politeness principle; writing skills; dealing with e-mails





关键词:发盘 ;礼貌原则 ;写作技巧 ;处理电子邮件


上传会员 英语老师 对本文的描述:This study, by reference to the literatures analysis, integrated a variety of fresh point of view, coupled with their own point of view, used the politeness principle to make a detailed explanation of writing skills of offer. I hope this stu......
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