
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:英语老师 更新时间:2013-08-26
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Abstract:With the development of global economy, commercial advertisements play a very important part in multinational selling. Successful advertisements can help the businesses to build good images and help the products to win popularity. But how to encode practically into target language remains a good question to all the businesses. Basically, words must be closed to the target country’s culture.  

   In this study, based on related-material reading the characteristics of Western and Chinese commercial advertisements have been studied and listed, and some basic rules of designing and translating advertisements terms have also studied. On some analysis of some typical commercial advertisements, this paper tries to find some characteristics in both Western and Chinese commercial advertisements. Though finding the similarities and the differences between Western and Chinese commercial advertisements. This study hopes to help producing functioning and popular advertisements to customers.

Key Words: commercial advertisements; Skopostheory; characteristics; similarities; differences






上传会员 英语老师 对本文的描述:In this study, based on related-material reading the characteristics of Western and Chinese commercial advertisements have been studied and listed, and some basic rules of designing and translating advertisements terms have also studied. On ......
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