
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小妖 更新时间:2018-02-24
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Abstract: Pride and Prejudice is one of the most well-known and significant representative masterpieces of Jane Austen. This work portrays four  middle-class women, including their various life of love, marriage, and their emotional entanglements respectively in Bennet family, based on the subject of love and marriage and the unique and exquisite observation of woman. This paper makes an attempt to analyze four different kinds of marriage patterns in Pride and Prejudice, to figure out these protagonists’ various standpoints about love and marriage, their distinct life choices and significance to real life. Through these analyses, it can be found out that love is foundation, money is guarantee, and both love and property are equally important. 


Key Words: Pride and Prejudice; view of marriage; characters





1. Introduction-1

1. 1 Jane Austen-1

1. 2 Pride and Prejudice-2

2. The Analyses of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice-3

2. 1 Elizabeth and Darcy-3

2. 2 Jane and Bingley-6

2. 3 Charlotte and Collins-7

2. 4 Wickham and Lydia-10

3. Conclusion-12



上传会员 小妖 对本文的描述:本文试图通过分析《傲慢与偏见》中四种不同的婚姻模式.了解主人公们对爱情婚姻观的不同看法、不同的人生选择.及其对现实生活的重要意义。通过分析可以看出婚姻是以爱情为基础......
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