
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-02
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Abstract:In recent years, researchers at home and abroad have attached great importance to the studies of female consciousness. Accordingly, various studies on female consciousness have been evoked both in foreign countries and in China. Nevertheless, most of these studies have focused their attention mainly on female rights relative to practical issues such as politics, economy, and education and so on. However, this study attempts to explore how female consciousness originated from a literary angle. To the Lighthouse is one of the most famous work of Virginia Woolf. This paper will analyze the novel from feminist perspective, so as to come up with Virginia Woolf’s unique view of feminist.

   Through the analysis of the three main characters of the novel and a significant comparison of male characters to female characters in the novel to better study Virginia Woolf’s Value of Feminism. These researches wills in-depth study of Virginia Woolf’s feminist vision and further improve the understanding of the people to the feminism, so as to better understand the voice of the woman's liberation in the works.

Key words: Virginia Wool; Feminism; To the Lighthouse; Mrs. Ramsay; Mr. Ramsay; Lily






上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:Through the analysis of the three main characters of the novel and a significant comparison of male characters to female characters in the novel to better study Virginia Woolf’s Value of Feminism. These researches wills in-depth study of V......
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