
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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Abstract:Four hands to play as a kind of teaching contents and methods,in the piano teaching occupies a certain proportion.It plays an important role to cultivate and improve students comprehensive music quality.In today's emphasis on quality education,how to use this method in the piano teaching,to cultivate learners' interest,to further improve the teaching level,it becomes a piano education workers should actively thinking of problem.In recent years,many piano competitions and concerts are increased by four hands,visible four hands version plays becomes more and more popular in learning the piano,but four hands play the role of is not known by many people.So,in this paper, the piano four hands play role in the teaching and its reasonable use to talk about their views.

Key words:The piano four hands,To play,The teaching effect,Reasonable use

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:大量的教学实践证明,钢琴四手联弹在教学中有着非常良好的灵动积极作用,那么,钢琴四手联弹在教学中究竟有哪些灵动积极的作用呢?通过四手联弹,能够激发钢琴学习者的兴趣,......
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