
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-26
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关键词: 蓝花花叙事曲,演奏技巧,情感表达,乐曲结构


ABSTRACT:"Lan Huahua Ballade" is a famous composer distance on the basis of northern shaanxi folk song "Lan Huahua" adapted from the melody, written in 1981, spread in gansu, shannxi and other region, is a narrative of erhu music, So we somewhat layout to his story development plot. This song mainly depicts a simple piece of rural girl called Lan Huahua, at that time the feudal forces suffered under the oppression of life, unfortunately of love, her pursuit of her own free life and sad stories of the feudal forces to fight. This article is mainly from the erhu playing skills, music structure focus on analysis of the literature ,Adopt from search method, analysis method and investigation method to express the song, the center of the erhu good showed the song style, genre, achieve perfect performance effect. Composers imitate the west's creation concept joined the elements of Chinese opera music, is a very successful erhu masterpiece. Skilled master the playing skills has important significance to learners and performers of erhu.

Keywords:  Lan Huahua Ballade   Performing technique    Emotional expression   Music structure

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:慢板是哭诉性的,是全曲最能表现蓝花花心情的部分。该段讲述了蓝花花被抬进周家所遭遇的不幸,充分揭示出她内心的痛苦与无助,反映出她被封建社会严厉的迫害以及她无力地反抗......
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