
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-27
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摘  要:校史,即是一个学校的历史,记载了一所学校的创设、变迁、发展。它是学校最珍贵和宝贵的历史档案,是校园文化的溯源和载体,是学校应该加倍珍惜、传承的精神财富。





关键字:校史馆 展示设计 多媒体


ABSTRACT: School history, that is, a history of the school, recorded a school's creation, change and development. It is the school's most precious and valuable historical archives, is the campus culture traceability and carriers, the school should cherish, heritage spiritual wealth.

  Recently since the major colleges and universities History Museum building has drawn increasing attention. History Museum is not only a review of the development of the school, but the school in teaching, education in patriotism and traditional cultural base. History Museum is indispensable each school an important component.

   In recent years, major colleges and universities has become a celebration of the community focus of attention. Same time as the celebration of important content, more and more schools are establishing the scale of the History Museum of varying sizes, in order to fully demonstrate our historical and cultural heritage. The History Museum are on every college students a good education platform and heritage places. Through the History Museum of the show, so that students can better accept the scientific and cultural knowledge and understanding of the school's history and culture and make heritage. It can also develop good habits and quality of future development for the students to lay a good foundation.

  With the continuous development of multimedia display technology continues to mature. History Museum of the construction will be determined by the digital shadow style multimedia presentation showing the way to replace the traditional way to show the contents of the more innovative, vivid, high-tech multimedia display technology show in front of the visitors.

  This paper studies the universities History Museum Exhibit Design and multimedia functions into display design combined through various forms of show display its contents, fully embodies the construction history museum significance.

Keyword: History Museum  Exhibition Design  Multimedia

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:校史馆不仅仅是作为公共展示的场合,更是反应一个学校的品质和理念的中心。校史馆的建设越来越受到各界人士的关注。不管是作为学校内部人员也好,还是作为校外人员,高校校史......
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