
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-27
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Abstract:With a long-term influence caused by social economic pressures on some young teenagers nowadays, the aged parents get neglected to be taking care of because of their children’s busy working, which has led to frequent injuries or even deaths of the aged in recent years. This paper therefore focuses on the smart watch as the research topic and the aged as the object of the study. A targeted design is made on the smart watch to enable it to be an intelligent electronic product so that family members can track their aged parents’ living behaviors anytime anywhere. Language interface system and telephone communication function is also devised under the use of interface, which ensured the aged asking for help with simply operation if any emergency.

  After having a deep understanding on the technical basis and formation of the intelligent interface information platform by doing market analytical investigation and combining with the habits of the aged, we summarized the main purpose of product design. We identified the operability and perfect design of the watch after having an optimization analysis on its function, shape, size, structure, materials, colors and so on, which can also let the aged experience the charm brought by the development of intelligent technology.

Key Words:guardianship,intelligent,language interface system,ask for help,telephone communication.




上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:根据老人意外伤亡的事件作为参考,分析老人的思想行为,在产品外观、功能、操作方式上具有完善的策划设计,为老人的安全出行保驾护航。相信通过技术的改造,不久的将来一定可......
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