
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-05
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摘要: 告状行为多发生于幼儿阶段,是幼儿心理发展过程中的正常现象。本研究主要采用观察法、文献法等,对3—6岁幼儿告状行为中的价值困境告状行为进行探讨。研究表明:1、幼儿的价值困境告状行为与活动类型有关。2、幼儿价值困境告状行为的主因是违背规则。3、幼儿价值困境告状的动机以检举对方为主。4、教师对于幼儿告状行为的态度多为敷衍了事。5、对于教师的反馈,被告幼儿的态度以默不作声为主。

关键词:   3—6岁幼儿;   价值困境;   告状


Abstract:Complain conduct took place in kindergarten, is the psychological development of children's normal. This study used observation, complain to the behavior of children aged 3-6 in the behavior of the value of the plight of complain. The results show that: 1、the value of early childhood behavior and activities of the plight of the type to complain. 2、 the value of the plight of children is the main cause to complain against the rules of behavior. 3、the value of the plight of children complain of the main motivations to report each other. 4、 the behavior of teachers complain children are mostly perfunctory manner. 5、 the feedback for the teachers, the defendant children's attitudes to silence based. 

key words: 3-6 year-old children;  Value difficult position;  Complaining






上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:本研究中显示,教师对于幼儿递上来的告状,多以消极对待,而且随着幼儿年龄的增长,消极对待频次出现越多,在幼儿离开自己的家庭,融入幼儿园这个大家庭,离开了父母,教师就......
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