
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-21
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Abstract:Psychological needs in the present study, the researchers in game theory and mental health theory is based on the perspective of the development of pupils 'mental characteristics of qualitative research and quantitative research methods, discusses the primary and secondary students playing online games and online games on the pupils' mental health effects. The researchers first affirmed the positive role of the online game, and then analyzes the possible negative impact of online games on pupils, the final recommendations from the three aspects of the school, family and social. Pupils of their own physical and mental development of immature, self-control is relatively poor, but also has a strong sense of curiosity, they already have an independent, respected and equal with people need, online games just to satisfy their psychological needs, and there for the primary school has a strong appeal. In order to truly solve the problem of online games, to eliminate and mitigate its negative effects, the tripartite joint efforts of schools, social and family, the only way to make the online game is truly for the service of their growth

Keywords: Online games; pupils' psychological health; primary school students

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:此次研究有助于丰富完善网络游戏与小学生心理健康教育的理论,且对于提高小学生心理健康水平具有重要价值。客观来说,到目前为止,对于网络游戏与小学生心理健康的研究相对较......
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