
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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关键词:联觉 音乐联觉 审美


Abstract:When asked about the music appreciation of preschool teachers' teaching goal,teachers usually said “Melodic feeling” “Rhythm type of learning ” or Related music background knowledge popularization Some teachers can speak out “Inspired by music aesthetic”,but the majority of teachers do not know it clearly, that what is the psychological need when children enjoy music and how to inspire children music aesthetic, etc. Music appreciation aesthetic value stay in surface, in the actual ,music appreciation is difficult to be applied in. This study begin with a psychological phenomenon of the music appreciation---synesthesia ,presenting Children's music synesthesia on some degree by doing experiment,to explore the psychological process of preschool music appreciation and inner music aesthetic needs . Regard this as the starting point to improved music appreciation of the kindergarten include “what to be choosed” and “how to teach it”etc.The goal is to help teachers setting up “promoting aesthetic by appreciate” and help children appreciat music by multisenses and multichannel.

Keywords: synesthesia   Music synesthesia  aesthetic




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:针对某一课例,对幼儿园音乐欣赏教学中,幼儿的表现状况及相关因素进行分析,总结并提出相应对策建议。一方面带领教师重新回顾和审视音乐欣赏课的目标,另一方面给教师关于如......
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