
资料分类:中学教育 上传会员:lxswj2006 更新时间:2014-06-02
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【摘  要】所谓趣味教学法是指采取为学生所喜闻乐见、好思利行的方法和手段, 调动起学生对所学的教学内容和所参与的教学过程的学习兴趣,使学生积极主动参与到学习中的教学方法.本文通过平行班级的对比实验,系统研究讨论了趣味教学法在《人体的消化与吸收》一节教学中的应用,证实了趣味教学的教学效果优于传统教学方式,由此可见,趣味教学法在初中生物教学的应用是积极有效的。使枯燥的生物课堂生动化,增强兴趣,激发学生的学习积极性,从而达到寓教于乐,培养学生能力的目的。最后,通过一个半月的教学实验得出各类数据处理总结,提出了趣味教学法在初中生物实际教学过程中需要改进的地方,并展望了其实施前景。



Abstract:The so-called interesting teaching method is taken to refer to students loved, good Sili-line ways and means, which can mobilize the students interested in learning from the teaching content and teaching process who were participated in so that students can actively involved in learning teaching methods. In this paper, experimental comparison of parallel classes, we systematic studied on and discussed in the interesting teaching method application of  a teaching called "human digestion and absorption", which proved funny teaching methods better than the traditional teaching methods, we can see that interesting teaching applied in biology teaching which learned in junior high school is active and effective. So boring biology class lively, and enhance interest, enthusiasm and inspire students to achieve the entertaining, the purpose of training student ability. Finally, after the half and a month's experiment, I inquired the features of the apply of interesting teaching method in middle school biology teaching. The summary of various types of data, I pointed out what to improve and the prospects of implementation.

Keywords: interesting approach; interest; junior high school biology teaching

上传会员 lxswj2006 对本文的描述:趣味教学法借助讲故事、看影片、做实验、多媒体等多种充满趣味性方法进行教学,有利于吸引学生的注意力,培养学生浓厚的学习。本课题通过对趣味教学法的深入分析和研究,结合......
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