
资料分类:中学教育 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-09
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ABSTRACT:The middle school students learn physics at the basis of relying on their intelligence factors, more depend on the non-intelligence factors. There has close relationship between the non-intelligence factors and   the cultivation of students ' learning abilities. An important aspect of the new curriculum reformation is the change of students ' learning styles. As we all known, "interest is the best teacher", it is the most revolutionary and most dynamic factor in learning motivation. Cultivating good learning interest can improve the students ' enthusiasm for learning and elaborate students ' learning of subject. Acting learning as happiness is more useful to improve student learning efficiency. 

   For the students, physics learning interest can make them learn physics more actively. This paper researched and explored the cultivation of physics learning interest for a village middle school students according to questionnaire investigation, communication with teachers and students, and at the basis of understanding the students’ learning problem and learning psychology. This paper also researched and narrated the cultivation of students’ physics learning interest in village middle school from the aspects of starting class, classroom teaching, permeation between different subjects, linking with real life, outside classroom activities, and so on.

Key words: Rural secondary schools, Junior physics teaching,Learning interesting,Investigation, Training


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:通过对某乡村中学学生的问卷调查及同教师和学生交流,在了解学生学习问题、学习心理的的基础上,对初中生物理学习兴趣的培养进行了相应的理论研究和探索,从序言课、课堂教学......
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