
资料分类:中学教育 上传会员:诸葛紫岐 更新时间:2013-08-02
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Abstract: The teaching of the oral communication of Chinese teaching in the junior school is not only the important content of the new course, but also the most difficult problem and the necessary way to raise the students` attainment of language and  literature completely. Make sure that the quality of the teaching of the oral communication of Chinese teaching in the junior school should follow these principles: connecting the reality, improving gradually, paying attention to thinking training, interaction, function and interesting, motivation and so on. We should adopt the training method of courage and appearance, creating situational, developing the good thinking custom, getting rid of mental obstacle, improving gradually to raise oral communication ability, using body language and so no.

Keywords: Junior high school language teaching; Vernacular speech social intercourse ability; Considering


上传会员 诸葛紫岐 对本文的描述:初中语文口语交际教学是新课程的重要内容、是初中语文教学中的难题、是全面提高学生语文素养的必由之路。保证初中语文口语交际教学质量应遵循结合实际原则、循序渐进原则、注......
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