
资料分类:中学教育 上传会员:了不起的盖茨比 更新时间:2013-09-01
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关键词: 以人为本;教师管理;调查


ABSTRACT:People-oriented advocate people first, human centered, to meet the needs of the people, To promote the comprehensive development of people. The people-oriented management approach was first used in enterprise management. Entering the knowledge economy of information age, The “people-oriented” management mode more and more get the attention of people, The “people-oriented”management mode is applied to the school management. Teachers are the main force of the school, The  people-oriented management approach management industry is the inevitable choice for teachers. This article is based on the Kunming Wuhua District secondary school teachers management present situation investigation, to“people-oriented” analysis, From the level of the school, teachers, social and other aspects. In order to carry out the human-oriented teacher management , Promoting teachers' healthy development, school 's progress and development suggestions. And put forward feasible" people-oriented" strategies for teachers management.

Keywords: People-oriented; Management of Teachers; Investigation


上传会员 了不起的盖茨比 对本文的描述:以“以人为本”的视角进行原因上的分析,从学校层面、教师层面以及社会等其他方面来进行阐述,并在此基础上提出具体可行的“以人为本”的教师管理策略。为推行以人为本的教师......
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