
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:好久不见 更新时间:2013-11-26
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Abstract:With the rapid development of computer network technology, the network has become an essential tool in daily life, and the dependency of people on the network is also increased greatly. The network sniffing and analysis technology is the foundation of network security tools. Through analysis of the captured data packets, network data traffic, network status and other information of network transmission can be obtained,and so the network performance can be analyzed and the network fault can be eliminated.Network sniffer is such a network security tool available to the network administrator. With the network security issues becoming increasingly prominent,only deepening the research on network sniffers can we ensure the good performance of the network.

  This sniffer mentioned in the paper is implemented based on libpcap library,providing web pages to manage system functions and log backup with FTP server.

Key words: Sniffer; Libpcap; FTP; CGI; log




上传会员 好久不见 对本文的描述:通过深入分析捕获的数据包,可以得到网络数据流量,网络状态及传输的信息等,进而分析网络性能及排除网络故障。网络嗅探器就是这样一种提供给网络管理员的网络安全工具。随着......
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