
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-03
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Abstract:Transmission lines is the artery of power system, assuming the energy from the plant to distribute it an important task of electricity center, is to connect each substation, the electricity users of the link. The safe operation of the transmission line, directly affecting the stability of the power grid and the user's reliable power supply. So the transmission lines in the safe operation of the power of holds an important position.

In order to ensure the safety of the transmission line measures, automatic reclosing is a very important devices, because in electric power system fault, most is the transmission lines (especially the overhead lines) fault. In these fault in the "the almost fault" and "permanent fault", so in line be disconnected again after a close brake may greatly improve the reliability of the power supply and reduce the loss of power. Therefore in the power system is widely used in a circuit breaker tripped later can automatically will circuit breaker feeder to automatic reclosing device.

  Because the transmission lines long, is located in the wilderness, so easily shock, electric power system against accident to ray transmission lines accident majority. Lightning is caused line the main reason for the trip. At the same time lightning lines formed when lightning overvoltage waves along the road will invade substations, the crisis in the transformer substation of electrical equipment safety. Strengthen transmission line lightning protection is to reduce the harm of electric power system ray accident key, so the transmission line lightning protection should be given sufficient attention.

  The design of the main content includes: first through the transmission capacity, line length and power factor and the use of current economic density to determine the wire types, and the design of the Lord the wiring diagram transmission lines, and then the lightning protection for transmission lines and line protection to choose and design, and finally to the transmission lines to the automatic reclosing selection and design.

Key words:35 KV transmission lines; The wiring circuit; Lightning protection; Line protection; Automatic reclosing.


上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:本设计的主要内容包括:首先通过输送容量、线路长度、功率因数以及利用电流经济密度来确定导线型号,设计出输电线路的主接线图,其次再对输电线路的防雷保护和线路保护进行选......
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