
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-03
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Abstract:Main content that design originally include electricity , illumination , defend system , video telephone , network ,etc. of fire control, the choices of the power and voltage and equipment selecting type that and calculate , supply power in distribution system , load. 

   Among them the power system includes confirming the grade of voltage, power supply way mainly. Load is calculated to be mainly a selecting type of confirming such distribution equipment as wire section, the type and circuit breaker, etc. 

   Lighting system include intensity of illumination calculate lamps and the lamp the light source, making sure the lamp arranging project, the choice of illuminating circuit and the choose of protection, socket of quantity mainly.

   Lightning protection the lighting fence is a possible lighting protection approach. Through the flat steel reinforced structure and the foundation phase, lightning protection, grounding the common ground, while ensuring the safety of the grounding and grounding equipment savings.

   CATV system design: The choice of the cable television. Equipment and the calculation must attain the provision value. The system adopts and assigns the branched structure which carries on the distribution of the wired TV signal. Sub-line telephone system uses the telephone box pattern to meet user requirements. The weak electricity is mainly done well and reserved burying in advance, is constructed and debugged by other departments.

Key words:Power system;Lighting;Lightning protection system;Weak current system;Load calculation




上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:我的毕业设计的课题是花园式住宅供配电系统设计。通过此次毕业设计我重新复习了大学期间所学的专业知识,很大的开拓了知识视野,更重要的是懂得了怎样把知识与实践相结合。......
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