
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂 更新时间:2013-12-19
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ABSTRACT:Corn is one of the main crops of China's national corn acreage up to 2697 mu. Corn at harvest time, with a lot of water, if not promptly bract removed, will cause the corn ear rot mildew. At present, in the plains of corn harvesting and sowing are basically realizing mechanization, but in the southwest region - further said the goal is still distant Yunnan region, full mechanization. Objectively speaking, Yunnan geographical remote, mountainous land, the small flat areas, which limit from the objective to achieve the mechanization of agriculture. Subjective mechanical corn how the Yunnan region, especially corn peeling machine, rely on artificial tear the skin, then removed, the use of a special corn peeling machine can not only reduce people's labor intensity, saving valuable time, and allows people to escape the busy manual labor and the backward economic and cultural life, productivity greatly liberation, and thus create more wealth for the community。

     The above, meet the peeling rate greater than 90%, the power source is less than 3KW. 2000kg / h, the work efficiency, design a corn peeling machine, transmission from the motor came to pass by the V-belt gear driven axis movement, the implementation of parts of four peeling roller. Design the machine to meet the requirements, and improvements than traditional peeling machine suitable to promote the use of our rural areas in Yunnan.

Keywords:Corn peeling machine ;Transmission system; Implementation of the components ;Sources of power


上传会员 勤劳小蜜蜂 对本文的描述:如果使用专用的玉米剥皮机不仅能减轻人们的劳动强度,节约宝贵的时间,而且可以使人们摆脱繁忙的体力劳动和落后的经济文化生活,使生产力大大解放,从而为社会创造更多的财富......
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