
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂 更新时间:2013-12-20
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ABSTRACT:Intelligent car be automatic operation in the pre-set prospects mode. It is designed by an organic whole of machinery, electronics, detection technology and intelligent control. Intelligent car can be used in the industrial control, it is an important content of the field of Robot research. The toy car is use for the body of Intelligent car in the design. The hardware is made up of the devices of STC89C52RC microcontroller which is the main control chip, dc-motor, photoelectric sensors, LED digital , etc. And it can make the car realize the faction of advances, turn, accelerate, slowing down,etc. It also can accurately finish two cars a starting at the same time, and two cars can run in the same direction in the running lane, realize two car overtaking alternately in overtaking area. The 1602 displays the driving mode of intelligent car. The design shows that this design is simple in structure, reflects intelligent operation in a certain extent and has good robustness.

Key words: Intelligent car; STC89C52RC microcontroller; Infrared sensor; Overtaking alternately




上传会员 勤劳小蜜蜂 对本文的描述:本设计以玩具小车为车体,硬件是以STC89C52RC单片机为主控芯片,配合直流电动机、光电传感器、LED数码管等器件构成,并通过相应的软件代码实现控制小车的前进、转弯、加速、减速等......
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