
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:没有人懂我 更新时间:2014-01-12
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Abstract:Blast furnace is traditional ironmaking process, but also is one of the most important link in the process of iron and steel metallurgy, it plays an important role in national economic construction. However, the blast Furnace requirements of each process can not be ignored: the burden calculation is in order to meet the requirements of the iron production process and the steelmaking hot metal quality, to ensure the stability of the product's physical properties and chemical composition of iron-smelting; Furnace body temperature control can effectively improve the production of Blast Furnace, extend the blast Furnace life, and ensure the security of the Blast Furnace.

  This is the simple design of batching systems and temperature control system in the blast Furnace, this paper described automatic weighing and proportioning batching system, each site of the blast Furnace temperature control, through the use of electrical components and programmable logic controllers. In this paper, the control method is simple, is the most common control method. In addition, this paper includes the blast Furnace circulating cooling water temperature, level fuzzy control design.

  This paper achieved batching system and blast Furnace blast Furnace temperature control system computer monitoring product configuration through the use of the kingview computer software.

Key words: Blast Furnace; Mixed ingredients; temperature control; The host computer; Configuration software




上传会员 没有人懂我 对本文的描述:本文是对炼铁高炉中配料系统及炉温控制系统做设计,通过使用相关元件,实现配料系统的自动称重及比例配料、高炉3个部位的温度控制以及循环水池温度和液位的控制。本文采用的控......
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