
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:没有人懂我 更新时间:2014-01-12
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Abstract:Use of PLC in the automatic packing machine, making control simple, its adaptability, reliability, flexibility of configuration of the harsh conditions, which are very widely used in the field. Modern automatic packaging machine for industrial production, packaging automation and accuracy requirements of increasingly high, how fast and accurate packing of products is a very important issue. Packaging of fast performance in automation and control on a sustainable, automated selection requires less control switch to meet the requirement of control, sustainability requires continuous feed design storage silos can greatly improve the sustainability of packaging. Flour mix weight qualified or not directly related to its products, accuracy requirements set on the characteristics of flour weight, according to their vulnerable to moisture in the air attached inside the flour packing machine, before each package tare weight tests, can only pass on to the next step.  Alarm system combined with the PLC, can effectively resolve the fault, fault maintenance quickly. Tags: PLC; automatically; sensor

Key words: PLC; Automatic;;Sensor




上传会员 没有人懂我 对本文的描述:现代自动包装机在工业生产中,对包装过程的自动化和精确性要求越来越高,如何快速精确的包装好产品是一个很重要的问题。包装的快速性表现在控制的自动化和持续性上,自动化要......
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