
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:姐妹花 更新时间:2014-01-21
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关键字:温度记录仪  AT89S52  DS18B20  整点存储


ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of science and technology, the temperature are increasing used as agriculture, industry, scientific research so there will be temperature participation. Temperature logger thermometer type is one of them. Depending on the temperature and the temperature range of different substances in the different temperature loggers are written with different temperature requirements.    The whole point of this design is determined by temperature logger PC and the next crew of two parts, the next crew AT89S52 MCU completion of data collection, processing, storage and LCD display, and through the serial port to communicate with the host computer. PC (computer) chip real-time monitoring data collected by state and the whole point of time corresponding to the temperature, through the LCD display shows the temperature and current time, while the data stored in the computer's ‘s.TXT and s1.TXT’ file, eight separate buttons for time to modify and query the whole point of the storage temperature, which in the case of power failure, the system can record the same data each time, making it easy to achieve a real-time temperature monitoring and alarm.    The temperature logger using DS18B20 as the temperature sensor of this system, measuring range -55 ℃ to 125 ℃, so just do not exceed this range can be used, such as detecting where the indoor temperature. The system's interference, good design flexible, convenient, and suitable for use in harsh conditions for temperature acquisition.Keywords: temperature logger;AT89S52;DS18B20;the whole point storage


上传会员 姐妹花 对本文的描述:本次设计整点温度记录仪是由上位机和下位机两部分组成,下位机是由AT89S52单片机完成数据采集、处理、存储和LCD显示,并通过串口与上位机进行通信。上位机(电脑)实时监控单片机......
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