
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:姐妹花 更新时间:2014-01-21
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关键词:目标检测  数学形态学  背景差分  视频图像


ABSTRACT:Video surveillance systems are widely used in important public areas, such as train stations, airports, squares, residential communities and so on. Traditional video surveillance systems are often based on the real-time display of analog signal, in which way real-time analysis and processing can not be done, causing low efficiency. So, it is an important part of the public security industry to develop a new generation of intelligent digital video surveillance systems. With the help of an open source computer vision library, this paper realizes the the real-time monitoring of video signal and moving object detection.

   The design mainly based on the OpenCV platform designed a real-time video display and monitoring system to achieve save,moving target detection and other basic functions. In the image pre-processing,we use a median filter to achieve the image smoothing, histogram equalization to achieve image enhancement and dilation and erosion morphological image processing algorithm to achieve; and we mainly use the moving average method and the average image update method to achieve video frame background generation and updating; and using background subtraction method implements the video image of the moving target detection. Experimental final results show that the design and optimization greatly improved the stability of the system, real-time is also very strong, to achieve the desired effect.

Keywords: Video target detection;mathematical morphology;background Subtraction;video image


上传会员 姐妹花 对本文的描述:本设计主要基于OpenCV平台设计了一个视频监控系统,实现视频的实时显示、保存以及运动目标检测等基本功能。在对图像的预处理中,我们采用了中值滤波来实现图像平滑处理,直方图......
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