
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-01
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关键词:MAX038; 函数信号; 单片机


Abstract:In all areas of modern electronics, it often requires high-precision frequency signal generator which can be easily adjusted. The higher frequency and more types of waveform is better generator performance. But the device cost and technical requirements are also greatly improved. Therefore, to meet the work requirements under the premise, the cost-effective generator is our first choice.In this paper, based on the Maxim MAX038 chip characteristics, it discusses the MAX038 chip design principle of the multi-waveform function signal generator and the overall structural design. Supplemented by the control software and peripheral circuit design, this paper composed of a intelligent signal generator which is low-cost, multi-function, high accuracy, the output frequency is continuously adjustable.

Key words: MAX038; function signal; SCM

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:了解MAX038的原理和使用方法。2、设计MAX038芯片的外围电路以及和单片机之间的接口电路,特别是如何调节频率、占空比、电压幅值等。3、系统完整电路图的设计......
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