
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-13
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关键词:混沌同步电路; 电路演示; 软件仿真显示


Abstract:Chaos is a seemingly irregular movement, refers to a deterministic nonlinear system, without any additional random factors may also appear similar to the random behavior. The most import feature of chaotic systems is the evolution of the system's future behavior is unpredictable.

  Chaotic circuit design is a prerequisite for chaotic communications, chaotic encryption applications, so the theory and design of chaotic circuits is of great significance. Synchronization concept is a classic; it is a periodic oscillation frequency is close to the concept of two systems. Synchronization is the most simple coupled oscillator of the same effect: two or more of the same oscillator, said the image of the same dynamics in their common phase space. Two identical or nearly identical oscillators coupled with a good performance of the synchronization can be expressed. Even for the chaotic oscillator, which can also be correct.

  So far, people have found a variety of synchronization methods. For example: drive-response relationship of chaos synchronization, Chaos synchronization of the coupled system, method of occasional proportional to chaos synchronization, the external noise method to achieve chaos synchronization and adaptive control of chaotic synchronization, non-autonomous chaotic system synchronization, active-passive chaos synchronization hyperchaos synchronization and so on. In this paper, research-driven-response relationship of chaotic synchronization experiment program and principle.

Key words: Chaos synchronization circuit; Circuit demonstrates; Software simulation shows

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:混沌作为一种复杂的非线性运动行为,在生物学、化学、工程学和信息学领域得到了广泛的应用。其中,为了利用混沌而展开的应用研究越来越引起人们的重视,并成为混沌研究的前沿......
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