
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-13
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摘要: 随着计算机科学技术的不断发展,嵌入式系统高速发展,几乎无处不在。嵌入式音频系统技术成为不可缺少的重要组成部分, 高质量的音效是当前发展的重要趋势。


关键字:嵌入式音频系统; 驱动程序; S3C2410处理器; UDA1341TS芯片; DMA缓冲区


ABSTRACT:  With the rapid development of computer technology,the embedded system has been developing quickly,it is nearly used in everywhere. The function of embedded audio system processing is also turning into an important part of embedded equipments, and the high- quality audio effect is important trend of current development.

  After studying the Samsung S3C2410 processor and UDA1341 codec,the purpose of this paper is to constitutes an embedded audio system by internal IIS audio bus which connecting S3C2410 processor with UDA1341 codec .Based on the driver of IIS audio bus,the paper designs the connection of corresponding hardware and logical framework of the work,and write the driver program of UDA1341TS codec . All of these are drived by frame contains character equipment interface,dsp and the mixer,done for implementing playing and rewording of sound. On this basis,we can achieve a simple player application to verity the driver functions’s design and implement are correct.

Key words: Embedded Audio System; Driver; S3C2410; UDA1341TS; DMA Buffer

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:嵌入式音频系统已经广泛应用到人们生活的方方面面,因此,嵌入式音频领域研究的发展前景不可限量,清楚的把握嵌入式音频技术的发展方向,对理论研究、行业发展及现实生活都具......
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