
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-13
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关键词:矩; 不变量; 缩放


Abstract: In digital image processing and analysis domain,an important research direction is the expression method of  an image shape. We can obtain a series of moment from a digital image, which usually express the overall features of an image. Then a series of invariants can achieved from these moments. They can keep invariant under the transform of translation, scale and rotation. Hence, invariants of moments were widely applied as the global features in the image recognition. In addition, how uses mathematics method to construct a better, a more practical moment is still a pending solution question. The non-orthogonal continual moment, the radial direction continual orthogonal moment, the orthogonal continual moment and the discrete orthogonal moment is the most representative four kinds of moments. This article discusses these four kinds of moments, and we compare three kinds of scale invariants of them. 

Key words: Geometric Moment; Zernike Moments; Legendre Moments; Tchebichef Moments, Invariant of moments; scale invariants; 

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:Hu是第一个将矩函数应用于图像处理重要文献的发表者,他利用几何矩产生了一系列不变量,将这些不变量用于自动字母识别。尽管几何矩计算简单,但是它的最大的缺点是非正交性,这......
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