
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:julu1004 更新时间:2014-05-12
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摘 要:调幅发射机目前正广泛应用于无线电广播系统中,课题以电子线路课程设计实践为背景,通过查阅大量教学文献,并结合专业基础课程教学需要,以原教学内容为基础,完成了小功率调幅发射机从设计、仿真到安装、调试等一系列完整设计工作。






Abstract:AM transmitters are now widely used in radio broadcasting systems, this thesis as the background of electronic circuit,Through access to a large number of teaching literature, combined with teaching needs, based on the original teaching, completed the low-power AM transmitters from the design, simulation to the installation and commissioning of a full range of design work.  

  The main task of the transmitter is complete the useful signal frequency modulated high frequency carrier. to turn it into a center frequency at a certain bandwidth, suitable for electromagnetic waves emitted by the antenna.

  The so-called spinodal means make the amplitude with the modulation signal changes, strictly speaking, refers to the carrier amplitude modulated with signal size linearly, but its frequency and phase constant. Amplitude modulation is divided into 4 ways: AM ( amplitude ), DSB ( bilateral with carrier suppression modulation ), SSB ( single sideband modulation ), VSB ( VSB ). The design of AM transmitters is referred to as AM am transmitter.

  Oscillator, audio amplifier, power amplifier and resonant amplitude modulator is designed by the system using software Multisim circuit simulation and optimization of the system.

Key words:Low-power AM transmitters; Oscillator; Audio amplifier; Amplitude Modulator; Power amplifier.

上传会员 julu1004 对本文的描述:本课程在仿真软件与实验室中完成一个完整的调幅发射机,并实现无线电报功能。 发射机的主要任务是完成有用的低频信号对高频载波的调制,将其变为在某一中心频率上具有一定带宽......
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