
资料分类:设计作品 上传会员:小6 更新时间:2013-06-18
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Abstract:This design foroutheast of oil marketing companies fuel oil tank and handling facilities.The southeast flat and have a good geographic conditions.It has a good road transport facilitation. Therefore, the design mode of transport pipelines for oil and it Rely on road transport, design includes tank capacity in oil storage tank area and the number of which is to be determined, sending and receiving oil pipeline process design, freeing oil pumping station and installation and calculation of land shipments field, and fire system design within the oil deport. Meanwhile, the selected devices were checked to ensure its performance. For future expansion of the reservoir area in the reservoir area of the reservoir area of land reserved. Optimization of the general layout, make it district clearly, carry out the principle of conservation investments and saving space, the use of advanced and reliable technology and equipment, simplify the process, easyly to operate strictly observe the relevant environmental protection, occupational safety and health, fire and energy saving policies, regulatory requirements.

Key words: oil depot ;overall planning;technological design


上传会员 小6 对本文的描述:设计主要包括油罐区容量及油罐数目的计算,工艺流程设计及相关工艺计算,罐区管线布置设计,泵房安装设计计算,以及罐区消防设计。同时各种选中的设备进行校核,确保其使用的......
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