
资料分类:单片机自动化 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-13
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Abstract:At present,the IC card is a kind of intelligent card applying to visit controlling and electronic note extensively.This paper has introduced the designing of a simple type IC card read-write terminal mainly. First of all,proceeding with the International Standard of IC cards,the paper has introduced the reading and writing technique of  IC card data. On the base of SLE4442-a kind of smart card of security logic made by SIEMENS. The paper has specified the software and hardware realization of IC card data reading and writing.

  A simple control system for intelligent contact type IC card is presented with AT89S52,which is capable to read and write the logically encrypted memory card SLE4442.With some adaptations in software and peripheral circuits,the system could be easily used in various fields.Such as power charging system and gas charging system.The paper also has introduced the characteristic of the SLE4442 chip,the structure of storage,and the most essential connection between SLE442 chip and single chip processor.Moreover,the method how to use the system ,the problem of programming,and the flow chart of the system program of some interrelated commands have also been illustrated in the paper.

Key words: contact type IC card; single chip processor;read-write terminal

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:本文描述了一种常用IC卡的设计方案,整个方案以单片机为核心,通过接口电路实现对IC卡的控制,从而实现IC卡的读写。本设计主要特点就是简单明了,使用的都是常用的器件,容易实......
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