
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-08
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ABSTRACT:The subject's main research contents shall be according to the factory can provide access to power and the various workshops of the factory load power such as the number and nature of the actual situation, and with due regard to the development of plant production, in accordance with the requirements of the safe, reliable, technologically advanced, economical and reasonable, complete our factory total step-down substation and distribution system design. Pursuant to general principles, procedures, and methods of design of substation, the design factory power supply must achieve secure, reliable, high quality, and the economy of the four basic requirements. At the same time, its line of speed protection devices should be able to meet the selectivity, mobility, flexibility and reliability of the four requirements. 

Key words:load; transformer substation; distribution substation;relay equipment

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:工厂供电,就是指工厂所需电能的供应和分配,亦称为工厂配电。工厂供电系统就是将电力系统的电能降压再分配到各个厂房或车间中去,它由工厂降压变电所,高压配电线路,车间变......
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