
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-08
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ABSTRACT:This paper mainly describes the regional power grid generated by asymmetric fault analysis and in order to avoid failure of the installation of protective measures, that line the three-section current protection. And trouble shooting method.

  According to the basic principle of symmetrical components, that is, the entire network into network network of positive sequence, negative sequence and zero sequence three symmetric sequence network network, and then using the superposition principle for linear circuits, on the three sets of symmetrical components to solve breakdowns on the symmetrical three-phase circuit and its result stack. Process the sequence needs to be to simplify network respectively, by simplifying the results calculated three asymmetrical short-circuit fault current, and lines based on their current calculation of three-section current protection (that is, current fast-tripping protection time limits, limited to current fast-tripping protection, over current protection), including its tuning and calibration. Choose 5 main characteristics of the design, choose line L5,L6, respectively on either side and T7 and T8 on either side of the transformer, and make positive sequence, negative sequence and zero sequence network simplification and appropriate protection for line calculation.

  Through the understanding of power systems, installation of transmission line protection device on the line, to meet a validation condition. When the power system short-circuit fault occurs, depending on asymmetrical short-circuit fault characteristics, ability to select appropriate methods for checking of electrical wiring, and quick check in time to calculate the short circuit short circuit type and location of the point of failure. Under short circuit conditions, use the appropriate method to lift the fault.

Key words: asymmetric network fault; troubleshooting

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:有时因鸟兽跨接在裸露的载流部分,或者因为大风或在导线上覆冰,引起架空线路杆塔倒塌而造成短路。此外,由于误操作,也会引起短路故障,如:线路检修后,在未拆除地线的情况......
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